Artist Statement 
390.exe is a project that unites spaces of technology, queerness, nature and mystical imagery inspired by their Jewish faith , conjoining disparate terms in a quest for new forms of perception.
While using electronic synthesis, sampling, and audio visual storytelling. 390.exe manipulates, overwrites, and glitches everyday understandings of identity, genre, and the natural world, filtering them through flesh and machine. 390.exe therefore, is a kind of audio visual cyborg, in which organic and artificial coexist in one form.
While using electronic synthesis, sampling, and audio visual storytelling. 390.exe manipulates, overwrites, and glitches everyday understandings of identity, genre, and the natural world, filtering them through flesh and machine. 390.exe therefore, is a kind of audio visual cyborg, in which organic and artificial coexist in one form.
Latest Release 
Nice, even though this was just put up on my soundcloud it is actually a few years old.
after giving it another listen I found it still in line with some of what I am currently in the process of creating.